Sunday, September 30, 2012

KinderConnections October 1st

Bulb Fundraiser

MDE Fall Fundraiser
If you are planning to buy seeds or bulbs to brighten your garden for Spring and Summer, we ask that you consider purchasing them through our fall school fundraiser. Macdonald Drive Elementary will retain 50% of the total sales, which will be used to upgrade existing technology and purchase new resources for our school. In addition, for every $150 in orders, Macdonald Drive Elementary will receive a free donation of bulbs or seeds to improve our school grounds.

We ask that you submit your order to the School, with full payment, no later than Tuesday, October 9th.  Cheques should be made payable to Macdonald Drive Elementary School. 

If you have not received your brochure, be sure to let us know! 

We thank you in advance for your participation in our first fundraiser of the year.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Amelia's Kingdom

Have you heard about The Key to the Kingdom? The kinderkids used their imagination to show what they thought the kingdom looked like. Be sure to ask your child to tell you the story!

Amelia loved sharing her story with us! Great job Amelia!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Introducing Spidey Scout!

Spidey Scout is a Beta Fish. He lives in a tank.

Amelia said Spidey Scout is a fighting fish.  He fights so he will keep fish away from his tank.
Amy said he can swallow.
Sarah said he has red on his tail.
Isabella said he has blue on his body. He lives at kindergarten.
Jack said he has gills so he can breathe.
Hamdi said Spidey Scout has a little bit of white on his tail.
Mackenzie said we have to feed him.
Amelia said his mouth goes up and down when he chomps his food.
Maia said he has two black eyes.
Layden says sometimes we give him food.

We love Spidey Scout!

Kindergarten Readers!

Be sure to ask the Kinderkids about Read to Self!  We have our own Reading boxes with a special pointer that helps us keep our eyes on our words! Our Blue Group read by themselves yesterday for one whole minute!  They were in their own comfy spots where nobody would interrupt their reading!  They kept their eyes on their words and read the whole time! Mrs. Fennemore is very proud! Hip Hip Hooray for the Blue Group!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Zero the Hero

Do you know Zero the Hero?  He loves numbers.  Zero is his favourite!

Zero the Hero was sneaky and came and left us a present and a card.  We made a special 10 bracelet and counted to 10!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Letter Ss

We are letter Ss experts.  We put on our thinking caps to think of things that started with the Ss sound!

Isabella says Ss is for Sophie and splits.
Sarah says Ss is for strawberries and sweet.
Nick says Ss is for sun.
Amelia says Ss is for smart and sardines.
Hamdi says Ss is for a strawberry bush and smartboard!
Mackenzie says Ss is for seven!
Maia says Ss is for sun.
Jack says Ss is for skeleton.
Amy says Ss is for seagull.
Layden says Ss is for seal and strawberry.
Ethan says Ss is for snake.

What do you know that starts with an Ss? Please leave us a comment to add to our list! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Our Letter Ss Investigations Begin!

Our Red Group had fun sharing the new song they learned about the letter Ss! Great job Red Group!  Watch for more alphabet discoveries tomorrow!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September Newsletter #1

Our first newsletter of the year has been sent home!  You can view an electronic copy by clicking here

Headphones Needed!

We would love for all children to have their own set of earphones to use during independent computer activities.  If you are able to send in a set of earbud style headphones it would be greatly appreciated. We will label them and store them in a baggie for your child to use as needed. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

School Closure ::Tuesday, September 11th

In anticipation of TROPICAL STORM LESLIE which is forecasted for the area, Eastern School District advises that all schools within the School District will be closed for the morning on Tuesday September 11, 2012 with a further update provided by 11 am.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome to Kindergarten!

The time has finally arrived!  It's time to welcome a brand new school year!  Welcome to the wonderful world of Kindergarten!

Your child will be bringing home a "magic bag" full of information and forms - some for you to keep and some for you to return.  Please be sure to let me know if you have any questions.  You can always reach me through email or by telephone 753-3809.

I look forward to getting to know you all throughout the year.

See you tomorrow!