Wednesday, November 25, 2015

It's Almost Booking Time :: Parent Teacher Interviews

Progress reports will be distributed to all students on Tuesday, December 1st,  2015.   Parent/teacher interviews are scheduled for Thursday, December 3rd, 2015  There will be no kindergarten classes on that day.
Again this year we will be booking appointments through the online booking system called OPTIS.  The website address is: or you may access the program from our school website at:
The system will be accessible for the scheduling of appointments on Thursday, November 26th at 9 a.m. and will close on Wednesday, December 2nd, 9 a.m.  Since this system operates on a first access basis, you are encouraged to make your appointment as early as possible.  First time users should log onto the system and create an account before November 26th to avoid any delays and in case you should require assistance.
Instructions for using this system are as follows:
1.      Enter website address:
2.      Click on the Optis link
3.      At the User Login Screen, click New Parents and select “click here” which will take you to the registration screen
4.      Follow on screen instructions (You may wish to keep a copy of your user name and password for future reference)
5.      When finished entering all required data, verify for accuracy and click “continue”
6.      Select “add a child” under Quick Links
7.      Follow instructions to add your child or children’s name. (You will be required to enter your child’s first name, then last name, once this has been completed select “continue”.
8.      Select an appointment time at the top of the page
9.      Select the box on the left side next to the name of the student you want to make the appointment for and select “continue”
10.  Select the appointment you would like to avail of.
11.  Select the teacher(s) you would like to see and select a time.
12.  If you have more than one child and would like to make another appointment, please repeat this process.
13.  When finished, Log off the Optis system by selecting “Log out” located on the right side of the screen.

If you experience any problems, please contact the school

Thursday, November 19, 2015

All About The Letter Ll

We are letter Ll experts. 

Here's what we know that starts with Ll...

light-bulb, library, lollipop, love, leaves, Lucy, librarian, lie, lion, lasagna, lemon, loud, lizard, lips, lemon, Lalaloopsy.

Can you find something around you  that starts with Ll?  Please let us know.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Our Peace Story

Today we have been talking about Peace and Poppies.  We listened to this song and

we read The Peace Book by Todd Parr and decided to write our own story.

Peace is....

Peace is loving your whole family. (Sara)

Peace is not fighting. Peace is sharing. If someone didn't have a poppy and you had two you could give them one of yours.  (William)

Peace is making someone a card. (Sreya)

Peace is playing outside with friends. (Seth)

Peace is saying I love you. (Ayham)

Peace makes you happy. (Natasha)

Peace is sharing. (Aiden)

Peace is having a baby. (Erika)

Peace is loving Mikey my cat. (Ayden)

Peace is playing with my friend Grace.  (Audrey)

Peace is letting someone live with you if they don't have a house to live in. They can stay with you until they have enough money to get their house. (Leo)

Peace is making a new friend. (Anna)

Peace is playing with your baby brother (Grayson)

Peace is loving Murphy the cat at my nan's house. (Addison)

Peace is sharing a blanket with mom when I'm cold. (Miley)

Peace is reading books with my mommy. (Lucy)

Peace is watching over my cats and with my mom and dad. (Evie)

Peace is watching videos. (Liam)

Peace is having family and if you love them you can have friends everyday by traveling around the world. (Ciara)

Peace is trick or treating. (Haydn)

Peace is giving hugs to your family. (Grace)

Peace is loving my whole entire family and having family dinner at Boston Pizza (Logan).

Peace is loving kindergarten friends. (Jerry)

Peace is when Jessica drops me at kindergarten and picks me up . (Kingston)

Peace is eating dinner at Boston Pizza. (Brayden)

Peace is giving candy to everyone. (Charlotte)

Peace is watching my cats Rusty and Blue. (Jake)

Peace is making friends. (Siefaddeen)

Peace is going to the park with my mom. (Brooklynn)

Peace is loving my family, friends, and my cat.  (Maria)

Peace is being alone with your family and your cats. (Avery)

Peace is love. (Paul)

Peace is the park by the school. (Zachary)

What does Peace mean to you?