Welcome to Kindergarten!
This year we will be using FreshGrade to document, communicate, and assess learning during the kindergarten year. The suite of apps makes learning visible in real time through the use of digital portfolios and assessment tools. With the FreshGrade for Parents app, parents have secure access to view an comment on artifacts in the student’s portfolio.
We will be capturing and sharing your child’s learning with you through photos, videos, audio, and notes. Captured artifacts and activities will build a Portfolio that will show your child’s progress throughout the school year. Notifications and emails will let you know when your child’s portfolio is updated and share their learning in real-time. It’s like having a window into the classroom.
Information about accessing your child's portfolio will come home on the first day of school. Portfolios can be accessed by visiting:
iTunes app store: FreshGrade for Parents (free app)
Google Play: FreshGrade for Parents
As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to let us know.