Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Peace is...

Peace is...

saying I'm sorry. (Gerard)
watching my little brother sleep. (Hannah)
playing with my little brother Ethan. (Lauren)
cuddling on the couch with my daddy. (Julia)
playing with my big brother Ethan. (Noah)
playing on the playground with my sister. (Eva)
playing with my brother. (Leah)
tickling my baby brother. (Rasil)
playing with my batman toy with my mom. (Zarif)
giving a big smile when my friends talk to me and playing with my sister Sophie.(Matthew)
when I am quietly sleeping. (Jackson)
watching SpongeBob with my mommy. (Riley)
going for a drive with my mommy and my brother and sister. (Jade)
playing with my little sister. (Shelby)
cooking supper with my mommy. (Lydia)
tickling my little brother and my little sister. (Elsa)
playing with my friends. (Haroon)
playing with my little brother. (Bridget)
playing with my Russian dolls. (Kaleigh)


being kind. (Kaelie)
wearing flowers, like a poppy for Remembrance Day. (Anya)
taking a nap with my cat. (Michael)
loving people. (Corinne)
going to my nanny and poppy's house to play with my dog. (Nathan)
playing with my sister and sleeping with my cat. (Elsa)
playing with my dog. (Xavier)
being with my dad and my mom. (Angelina)
spending some time with my friends. (Lily)
playing with my friends Elsa and Edward. (Sophia)
going out with my mommy. (Samantha)
helping people. (Olivia)
playing with my toy dog. (Logan)
going on a walk with my dog and my mommy. (Carter)
keeping my dog safe. (Brianna)
playing on the computer. (Jasmine)
playing with my Dad. (Maria)
playing with my brother. (Sulafah)
is helping my family. (Aiden)


  1. Peace is going to bed, safe and sound every night

  2. This is great, thanks for sharing. Elsa loves playing with her cat although I'm not sure the cat would describe it as peaceful!

  3. What an angel!! Carter loves his puppy dogs!
