Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Thank you to all volunteers who came to help out with today's Halloween Stations!  We couldn't have done it without you! A special thank you as well, to those who sent along treats for our kindergarten friends!  A fun day was had by all! What was your favourite part of your Halloween celebration this year?

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Skeleton Dance!

We had some fun turning friends into skeletons today! Do you remember how many bones are in our body?  How does our skeleton help us?


Our school internet connection wasn't working so we couldn't share this fun song.  I hope you can enjoy it at home! Have fun dancing!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Fun at Bowring Park :: Blue Group

Fall is everywhere!  What does Fall look like where you live?
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Bowring Park...Here We Come!

Our field trip to Bowring Park is a go! Remember to dress warm as we will be outside all morning! All you will need to bring for today is a small snack to have at the park.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

MDE Bookfair

On Wednesday, October 26th, the children will be attending the Bookfair in the Library.  The morning sessions are scheduled to purchase books at 11:05 and the afternoon sessions are scheduled at 2:30. 

Parents are invited to come along and accompany the children to the bookfair and help them to choose suitable books to purchase.  If parents are unable to attend at these times perhaps a Grandparent or some other designated person can come. 

On Tuesday, October 25th, the children will go to the Library to preview the books that will be available on Wednesday. Watch for their wishlist to come home!

On Wednesday, please ensure that any money your child brings for the bookfair is enclosed in a coin purse or baggie marked with your child’s name.  It can be stored in their magic bag until needed.

Thank you for your support!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Taylor's Farm Pumpkin Patch

Thank you to all the volunteers who came and helped us pick our pumpkins from the pumpkin patch!  We could have never done it without you!

 It certainly was a fun day! Watch for the story of our Pumpkin Patch field trip coming next week!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Afternoon fieldtrip is a go!

Come dressed ready for the mud!  We have not heard from anyone so are assuming our fieldtrip is a go!  See you soon!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fieldtrip is a go!

We are hoping the rain will stay away until later in the morning!  Our Blue Group will go to the pumpkin patch and hope to leave the school by 9 a.m. Remember to come dressed for cold wet weather!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Healthy Commotion :: Red Group

Let the Healthy Commotion Begin!

Our whole school walked around Kent's Pond!  We have healthy bodies!

We had lots of people keeping us safe!  Thank you!

 Thank you to all the volunteers for coming with us! A special thank you to Nathan's dad for pulling Mrs. Fennemore out of the pond! :)

Healthy Commotion :: Blue Group

It certainly was a commotion!  Our walk around Kenny's Pond was full of adventure!

We found something special way up in the trees!  Can you guess what it was?

 Thank you to all the volunteers for keeping us safe!  We could have never done it without you!

What was your favourite part of our Healthy Commotion Day?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How To Write Your Name

We are learning how to print our name with an uppercase letter at the beginning and all lowercase letters for the rest.  Thank you Kade for showing us how to do it!

Adventures with Corduroy #2

Checkers, Swimming, Trampoline Jumping... How exciting!

Adventures With Corduroy #1

We have started Round Two of Helping Hands!  Each helper has special jobs for the day.  Corduroy Bear gets to go for a sleepover with the Helping Hand.  Oh the Adventures they have! Corduroy's first adventure was a tea party! How much fun!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Letter Aa is Amazing!

When we visited Mrs. Russell's Kindergarten Class Blog we saw that her kindergarten children had formed the Letter A with their bodies.  We decided to try it too! We were amazing!

At snacktime, some of our Blue Group friends discovered they had letter Aa snacks!

Once Fatima finished her snack she started work on a letter Aa collage!  Thank you Fatima! Amazing!

Letter Aa's are everywhere.  Have a look around you.  What can you find that starts with an Aa sound?