Thursday, February 27, 2014

We Can Be A Good Friend

We know how to be a good friend!

Michael says we can work together.
Logan says we can help people if they are having a hard time trying to do something. If someone is all by themselves, you could ask them what they like to do and go do it with them. 
Maria says people need to tell each other how they are feeling. 
Samantha says when someone needs help you can work together without arguing. 
Sophia says you can babysit a puppy. You can also be a good friend by helping people.
Lily says when someone is having trouble zipping up their zipper, you can go and help them zip it up!  If someone is feeling sad you can give them a hug.
Olivia says we should help each other.
Nathan says when someone is sick in the hospital you can go see them or bring them some flowers. That would make them feel better.
Elsa says if someone is being bad to a friend, you should tell them to please stop bullying.
Xavier says you can build a puzzle with a friend.
Julianna says if someone is sad you should play with them.
Corinne says we should be a friend by sharing.
Brianna says we can help a friend build a tower.
Jasmine says she can help a friend zip a zipper.
Anya says we should be nice to each other.

Gerard says a teacher could help you if you need it.
Riley tried to make a friend feel better when he was sad.
Noah says if someone is feeling sad and you don't know what to do, you can just show them your smile.
Hannah says you can ask mom or dad to help you.  Like if someone poured water over your head, they could help.
Jackson says you can give a friend a hug.
Julia says if someone is sad because they can't tie their shoes, you could help them.
Rasil says if your friend is sad, you can give them a hug!
Eva says if someone is feeling lonely, you should ask them if they would like to play.
Bridget says you can help a friend by playing with them.
Leah says if someone is sad you can play with them.
Elsa says if someone is crying you could give them a toy or a big hug. 
Isabella says if someone uses words that you don't like, you should tell them to stop.
Jade can be a good friend by playing with her friends.

What other ways can you be a good friend?

Monday, February 24, 2014

MDE Winter Olympic Day

After a couple of delays, we finally were able to get outside to enjoy an Olympic Winter Fun Day! Ms. Waterman planned lots of fun activities for us! We ran, laughed lots, and most importantly, we worked together with our kindergarten friends! It was an awesome day! Here are some snapshots of our fun! We hope you like them!


Sunday, February 23, 2014

On Wednesday February 26th we will be celebrating our 100th day of kindergarten!  We will be completing all sorts of fun activities that day and will require your help with a couple before the big day arrives.  Here are the details:

Collect a set of 100 items.  Please help your child fill a bag with 100 like items and bring them to school.  Examples could be 100 cheerios, 100 pennies, 100 paperclips, 100 pieces of macaroni, 100 buttons, etc.  The possibilities are endless however the 100 items should be something that we can keep at school as we will be weighing them, building with them, and using them for a variety of projects.  To help with the counting, we sent home a workmat which will help your child count 100 items.  Counting sets of 10 is easiest by placing ten on each circle of the workmat.  Our focus is on 100 being made up of 10 sets of 10. This will make their counting much more manageable.  Please send in your filled baggie by Monday February 24th.

Dress for the day!  Have a discussion with your child about how they would look if they were 100 years old.  Would their hair be the same?  How would they dress? How would they walk?  Would their eyesight be the same as it is now? Use your imagination and come to school dressed like a 100 year old!   

Thursday, February 20, 2014

And it's another closure...

NLESD just announced that schools are closed for the morning. Updates will be made at 10:30. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Schedule Changes :: Please Note

  • Outside Olympics Day has been rescheduled for Monday, February 24th. If the weather cooperates this time and it goes ahead as plannedthe kinderkids will need to come dressed for outside play. As a result of the rescheduling, the kinderkids will come in their regular session rather than all attend in the afternoon. Please make the adjustment on our class calendars to avoid confusion.
  • The extra school closures this month means that our 100th day of school has been delayed.  It will now be Tuesday February 25th.  Again, please make adjustments on your February calendar to avoid confusion. 
  • Thank you to those who sent in family photos.  If you have not yet sent in photos of family members, please do so by Friday, February 21st as we will be beginning our activities then.  If you do not have photos, a drawing of family members will be fine.   


Friday, February 14, 2014

School Closure & MDE's Olympic Fun Day

Due to the lunchtime weather forecast, there will be no kindergarten classes today....on Love Day of all days...can you believe it?  We will have to hold our Love Day activities for Tuesday. And to add to Tuesday excitement...

It's Coming!  On Tuesday, February 18th we will also be holding our very own MDE Olympics. All kinderkids will need to come dressed for outside activities as we will be spending most of the session outside!  Be ready for lots of fun!

See you all on Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Winter Olympics at MDE

It sure was a very busy afternoon in Kindergarten.  Both groups came together for MDE's Opening Ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games. Loud, exciting times....some days just have to be like that!

Before heading to the gymnasium for the celebrations, we talked a little about the Olympics and shared some of the things we already knew.  Kindergarten has been assigned Luge as a sport of focus and we quickly learned that this was a sport that we knew only a little about!  While we will be exploring all aspects of the Olympics we will especially be focusing on this sport! The Sochi Olympics has a brand new Luge event - Relay.  We watched a video clip about it.
We look forward to learning a lot about the Olympics over the next few weeks...we'll try to share as much of it as we can with you...both in pictures and in words!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Keeping Safe From Fire

Today we saw a fireman. His name was Inspector Power. He showed us a house that showed all the dangers and bad things that could happen and how things could catch on fire.  We learned how to make our house safe from fire.

Here is some of what we learned:

When there is a fire, get out as quick as you can. - Lily
We hear a fire alarm if there is a fire - Anya
A window can help you get out if there is a fire - Brianna
If there is a fire you should have a fire plan to get out of the house - Logan
You have to feel a door to see if it's hot before you open it.  If it's hot, don't open it, go the other way! - Samantha
You have to stop, drop, and roll if your clothes catch on fire. - Elsa W.
If there is a fire you have to get out quick. - Kaelie
If there is smoke in a room up high, duck and crawl out of the room. - Aiden
No hiding under a bed if there is a fire.  Get out of the room quickly. - Michael
Stay away from fire. - Sophia
Don't touch matches and light them on fire.  If you find them, tell a grownup to put them away. - Nathan
Don't hide under your bed if there is a fire. - Corinne
No running if there is a fire.  You could fall and then catch on fire. You should walk quickly. - Angelina
Don't touch gas.  It is dangerous.  - Jasmine
A stove is hot.  Do not touch it. - Sulafah
If there is a pot that catches on fire, mom or dad or a big sister can put the cover on and the fire will stop. - Julianna
We should check to see if fire alarms are working. - Olivia
If there is an emergency call 911 for firemen, ambulance and police - Maria
If your clothes catch on fire you Stop, Drop, and Roll! - Matthew

We have a mission for you!  Do you have a fire plan at your house?  You should.  Be sure to make a plan and check to see that your house is safe and okay.