Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Skating Day Informaton

Watch magic bags tomorrow for an important note about next week's skating day!  There will be a slip you will need to complete and return by Friday to help us with our preparation for the day.  We thank you for your help!

Please note...

Our school wide skating day is approaching.  All kindergarten students will attend the morning session on Tuesday, December 16th.  Please note, that dismissal will be 12:00 on this day.

We have had a number of questions regarding how the morning will work and what the children will need to participate.  Please note:

·         Any child who comes to school (whether skating or not) will be brought to the arena.  A viewing area will be available to any students not skating. Please ensure that students are dressed warmly.

·         All students who will be going on the ice will require skates and a helmet.  There will not be any available at the arena.

·         Many kindergarten students have limited skating experience.  If you feel your child will need assistance while on the ice, we ask that if at all possible an adult (parent, grandparent, babysitter, relative) accompany your child to ensure their safety. While we will try to provide as much assistance as possible, it will be difficult to supervise and assist everyone on the ice at all times. Adult volunteers do not have to wear skates while on the ice, but can if they have them.

·         We will try to have a small snack before we leave for the arena.  Students can bring their snack bag to school as they normally do.

We are looking forward to a fun skate!


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